
 As those of you who have bought the Homegrown dvd are aware, the disc is supplied in a standard jewel case with no cover artwork.For the completists out there who like their dvd's in a standard dvd case with cover artwork, Reb's designer Matt Sefton has put together hi-res artwork for Homegrown (shown above). Click here to download the cover art. |

 Here's a rare treat for ya! Two tracks from the Winger vaults.The first, Hour of Need, surfaced on Pull with a new name, In My Veins, and a new arrangement. It's fascinating to hear this alternative version with different lyrics and a whole different vibe.
Hour of Need (clip length: 4.55 filesize: 4.51mb)
All I Ever Wanted (clip length: 3.35 filesize: 3.29mb) |